Whether you're a job seeker looking for your next opportunity, a business in need of skilled talent, or someone interested in learning more about our services, we're here to help. The Colorado Rural Workforce Consortium is dedicated to supporting the workforce needs of our community. Reach out to us with your questions, requests, or feedback, and our team of experienced professionals will be happy to assist you. Let's work together to build a stronger future for everyone.
CRWC Workforce Center Locations
To locate your nearest workforce center, view the Colorado Workforce Center locations below.
Alamosa Workforce Center
305 Murphy Drive, Unit B
Alamosa, CO 81101
Phone Number: (719) 589-5118
Fax Number: (719) 589-6862
E-mail: cdle_alamosa_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm
Burlington Workforce Center
(Closed until further notice)
Phone Number: (719) 346-5331
Fax: (719) 346-7749
E-mail: cdle_burlington_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Closed
Canon City Workforce Center
3224 Independence Road
Canon City, CO 81212
Phone Number: (719) 275-7408
Fax: (719) 275-8189
E-mail: cdle_canon_city_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-12pm; 1pm-5pm
Cortez Workforce Center
22 West North Street
Cortez, CO 81321
Phone Number: (970) 565-3759
Fax: (970) 565-0916
E-mail: cdle_cortez_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday, Wednesday-Friday 8am - 5pm;
Tuesday 9 am-5pm
Craig Workforce Center
480 Barclay Street
Craig, CO 81625
Phone Number: (970) 824-3246
Fax: (970) 824-7108
Note: Job Hotline: 800-778-5627
E-mail: cdle_craig_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm;
Friday 8 am-11am
Delta Workforce Center
206 Ute Street
Delta, CO 81416
Phone Number: (970) 874-5781
Fax: (970) 874-0991
E-mail: cdle_delta_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm
Durango Workforce Center
160 Rock Point Drive, Suite A
Durango, CO 81303
Phone Number: (970) 247-0308
Fax: (970) 247-0328
E-mail: cdle_durango_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
8am-12pm; 1pm-5pm
Edwards Workforce Center
69 Edwards Access Road, Suite 7
Edwards, CO 81632
PO Box: 1355
Phone Number: (970) 926-4440
Fax Number: (970) 926-7287
E-mail: cdle_edwards_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm;
Friday by appointment only
Fort Morgan Workforce Center
426 Ensign Street
Fort Morgan, CO 80701
Phone Number: (970) 867-9401
Fax: (970) 867-0226
E-mail: cdle_fort_morgan_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm
Frisco Workforce Center
360 Peak One Drive, Suite 370
Frisco, CO 80443
P.O. Box 679
Phone Number: (970) 668-5360
Fax: (970) 668-3216
E-mail: cdle_frisco_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-12pm; 1pm-4pm
Glenwood Springs Workforce Center
401 23rd Street, Suite 300
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
Phone Number: (970) 945-8638
Fax: (970) 945-5543
E-mail: cdle_glenwood_springs_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-12pm; 1pm-4pm
La Junta Workforce Center
308 Santa Fe Avenue
La Junta, CO 81050
Phone Number: (719) 383-3191
Fax: (719) 384-8317
Note: Job Hotline: 719-384-5627
E-mail: cdle_la_junta_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-12pm; 1pm-5pm
Lamar Workforce Center
(Temporarily Closed)
405 East Olive Street
Lamar, CO 81052
Phone Number: (719) 336-2256
Fax: (719) 336-2259
E-mail: cdle_lamar_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Closed
Leadville Workforce Center
901 S. Highway 24
New Discovery Building, Room 219
Leadville, CO 80461
PO Box: 1263
Phone Number: (719) 486-2428
Fax: (719) 486-2428
E-mail: cdle_leadville_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-12pm; 1pm-5pm
Limon Workforce Center (Satellite Location)
333 M Avenue, Suite 300
Limon, CO 80828
Phone Number: (970) 867-9401
Fax: (719) 486-2428
Email: virtualcareercoaching@state.co.us
Hours: Tuesday 8am-12pm; 1pm-5pm
Meeker Workforce Center
(Temporarily Closed)
345 Market Street
Meeker, CO 81641
PO Box: 2404
Phone Number: (970) 878-4211
Fax: (970) 878-3355
E-mail: cdle_meeker_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Closed
Monte Vista Workforce Center
2079 Sherman Avenue
Monte Vista, CO 81144
Phone Number: (719) 852-5171
Fax: (719) 852-3817
E-mail: cdle_monte_vista_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-12pm; 1pm-5pm
Montrose Workforce Center
1551 Ogden Road
Montrose, CO 81401
Phone Number: (970) 249-7783
Fax: (970) 249-2602
E-mail: cdle_montrose_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-12pm; 1pm-5pm
Pueblo Workforce Center
1045 W 6th Street
Pueblo, CO 81003
Phone Number: (719) 562-3731
Fax: (719) 543-0190
E-mail: cdle_pueblo_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm;
Friday by appointment only
Salida Workforce Center
7405 West Highway 50
Salida, CO 81201
Phone Number: (719) 626-7012
Fax: (719) 539-1173
E-mail: cdle_salida_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 8:30am-12:00pm; 1pm -4:30pm
Steamboat Springs Workforce Center
425 Anglers Drive, D-2
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
PO Box: 774844
Phone Number: (970) 879-3075
Fax: (970) 879-3547
E-mail: cdle_steamboat_springs_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm;
Friday by appointment only
Sterling Workforce Center (by appointment only)
100 Broadway, Suite 24
Sterling, CO 80751
Phone Number: (970) 522-9340
Fax: (970) 522-0667
E-mail: cdle_sterling_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: by appointment only
Trinidad Workforce Center
140 North Commercial
Trinidad, CO 81082
Phone Number: (719) 846-9221
Fax: (719) 846-7594
E-mail: cdle_trinidad_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-12pm; 1pm-5pm
Walsenburg Workforce Center (Satellite Location)
201 East 5th Street, Suite 19
Walsenburg, CO 81089
Phone Number: (719) 738-2372
Fax: (719) 738-9942
E-mail: cdle_walsenburg_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-12pm; 1pm-5pm
Yuma Workforce Center (by appointment only)
529 N. Albany Street, Suite 1210
Yuma, CO 80759
Phone Number: (970) 848-3760
Fax: (970) 848-3857
E-mail: cdle_yuma_wfc@state.co.us
Hours: by appointment only
Virtual Career Coaching
Access virtual services
Phone Number: (719) 589-5118
Email: virtualcareercoaching@state.co.us