Business Services


Workforce Centers and their business services staff support local employers in their recruitment, retention and ongoing staffing needs through a wide array of services.

We believe that thriving local economies are the best foundations for businesses to succeed, and that strong businesses contribute to meaningful employment and economic vitality. Our number one goal is to support businesses in attracting and retaining the talent they need to grow and prosper.

The Colorado Rural Workforce Consortium provides a variety of no-cost services to employers to move your workforce forward.


Post a Job

Your open positions through our free Colorado statewide job engine & database, Connecting Colorado.

Hiring Events & Job Fairs

Save time and money with a customized hiring events or job fairs to recruit qualified applicants in an efficient and effective manner.

Workforce Intelligence

Get valuable information about wage, demographics, commuter patterns, workforce trends, supply and demand and more.


Employer Education

Forums, round tables and workshops are available to provide business education and to enhance connections between businesses.

Community Connection

Leverage the partnerships of your local workforce center to discover training opportunities, incentives and resources within the community.


Train new employees or upskill your workforce through state and local programs such as work-based learning opportunities, designed to support employers with technical or financial support.


Sector Partnerships

Join or start a sector partnership composed of business leaders from the same industry and labor market region. Collaborate with education, workforce development, economic development, and community organizations to address workforce and competitiveness needs within your industry.